Meet Acadia!

Acadia in Tree

Acadia had been with us for over two years now but we have known her since before she was born! Her mother actually worked here back in the day. Now Acadia and her brother both work here. She is very outdoorsy and has the best hairstyles out of all of us. She is in college so she works when she is home from school.

What made you want to work at IOS?

The friendly atmosphere, the business experience, and being in Saratoga (wow thanks for the compliment Acadia!)

What is your favorite hobby when not working?

Being home with my family and pets (if they are not out exploring and hiking).

What is your favorite IOS memory or story?

Working at SPAC during the National Ballet of China (Acadia has helped us out at our off site location at SPAC where we are the merchandisers for the Jazz Festival and New York City Ballet. She did ballet when she was little so she knows her stuff).

What is something that we may not know about you?

I’m a Lord of the Rings geek 🙂

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Acadia Breyer Fun Day

I want a career related to environmental sustainability (she is already studying this in school and is very environmentally friendly, always making sure we recycle and turn off lights) 

What is your favorite IOS product?

The Saratoga Spirit Jersey is one of my favorites. It is really comfy and casual.

What pets do you have?

1 dog, 3 cats, 2 parakeets, 1 goldfish, and 15 chickens

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